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Because I Had To…
Cleaning out a closet is never a fun task.  Cleaning out a clothing closet because an increasing percentage of the clothing in the closet no longer fit, is an emotional challenge!  Most of us grow up being able to eat whatever, WHENEVER we want.  High school outings with friends were often bookended with double-sugary lattes and donuts and then French fries and milkshakes.  In between we spent countless hours popping up with ease from our hard-surfaced chairs or bleachers, frolicking quickly to our next adventure.  As we age, we find ourselves bookending our days with non-fat coffees and low-cal protein bars and then an herbal tea with no salt popcorn.  Getting up from hard chairs is no longer accomplished without a groan or, at a minimum, an extra second or two to shake out the pain.
I have been rather fortunate that my size has remained relatively constant throughout my 40s, despite my love of late-night dinners and snacking.  That is until menopause!  I have noticed, over the past year, that my “go-to” outfits are the ones where there is either an elastic waist or, better yet, no waist!  Comfort has become my number one requirement when purchasing new clothing as tight-waisted outfits, although they may look nice, are, simply put, very uncomfortable and constricting.  To add insult to injury, my stomach seems to be acting like a rebellious teenager, with a mind of its own, expanding and contracting regardless of my food intake. 
Bottom line: this new stage in my life has resulted in a plethora of clothing in my closet which, once hung or folded neatly, now lies carelessly discarded in a pile to be donated.  I have been slowly replacing these items with clothing that fits better, resulting in the need to organize and clean my closet.  I have been delaying this task for many months thinking that the situation was temporary.  As the seasons change and the weather is colder, I can no longer delay and have come to accept my new size! 
My new size actually comes with many perks.  I may not be able to indulge in nightly hot fudge sundaes, but I have the sheer joy of treating the grandkids to unlimited ice cream desserts!  It may take me longer to recover from jet lag now but the places I get to visit and experience are amazing and I can enjoy the comforts of a nice hotel room in which to rest.  But the best advantage of my new size is my acceptance that it doesn’t matter whatsoever! 
I may have to watch what I eat because I have more food sensitivities and don’t feel like gaining another 20 pounds, but I am NOT going to restrict myself from food simply so that I can fit into the clothing I wore 20 years ago!  It’s silly.  As long as I am healthy and happy and loved, my slightly larger size is irrelevant.  So, for anyone else in need of a closet UPsize due to “maturity”; clean away and Mangia! Mangia!

Kathy Naumann,possessor of NATURALLY curly hair and the understanding that you can't control everything!