Clockwise from top left: Molly Truesdale and her grandchildren Tavin and Vivien Fisher from the Victorian Christmas at Roseland Cottage Dec. 8 and 9; Paper snowflakes; Orion Fowler from Cub Scout Pack 111, Plainfield; the cast of "A Christmas Story" from the Bradley; a Minion on the '56 210 Sport Coupe owned by Dave Carlson of Webster. More on page 6.
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
The 17th Annual Holiday Dazzle Light Parade didn't disappoint --- parade goers and parade marchers alike were all smiles.
Gary Osbrey, parade organizer, said, "The crowd was generous with applause and cheers as floats passed by."
There were just over 150 entries, he said, and he estimated the crowd at 20,000 spectators. "The warm weather brought out more spectators."
Osbrey said, "The quality of the entries continues improve as people figure out how to add more power and more lights to their floats."
In addition he said that High Pointe Church in Thompson increased its stable of volunteers from 47 last year to 107 volunteers this year. They helped clean up after the parade, he said, "as we strive for a litter-free parade."
Osbrey added that the parade "continues to thrive after 17 years and we are already planning the next Holiday Dazzle Light Parade set for Sunday, December 1st 2019."