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New Cabin
A new cabin for community members was built in 2018 at Crystal Pond Park. Chris Mayhew photo.
put a shine
on park
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
EASTFORD/WOODSTOCK --- Thanks to a boatload of work by volunteers, Crystal Pond Park continues to shine.
In 2019, according to Crystal Pond Park Commission Chairman Chris Mayhew, the work at the park will continue.
In addition, the erosion problem plaguing the Trout Pond Dam will be addressed. Mayhew said: "The beginning phases of an inspection of the Trout Pond Dam also began this year with communication taking place with a local engineer. Future plans will involve a site visit to determine the next step in protecting the pond from erosion."
A tree work plan is also firming up. "The Yale School of Forestry graciously provided a detail forest management plan to the commission as well as the alertness of invasive plants on the property. Along the same avenue, a local experienced logger provided valuable information for the Commission to utilize in the future should a timber harvest take place," Mayhew said. He added that Lindon Tree Service donated its work to remove trees that were too close to the dining hall.
In 2018, volunteers were busy. One cabin was renovated and a new cabin was built.
The dining hall and other areas of the park are pulling in rentals, helping the park earn money for more improvements. The painting of the outside of the dining hall and changing rooms was accomplished in 2018. New cubbies for storage were also installed in the changing room area.
Other projects that were worked on or completed were: per state request and after an inspection, new hardware installed in the pump house for easier access to annual water turn on and turn off of water supply as well as easier access for annual water quality testing. Rubber mats were installed on the tee pads of the very successful disc golf course to enable year round use of the course. The installation of the 500-pound gas tank has continued to show increased savings with the use of propane during rental events., Mayhew said.
Mayhew said rentals have been a large part of the financial success of the park in 2018. The park hosted a group of 54 disc golf players for the first tournament last March. He added there have been numerous wedding ceremonies, family and class reunions, birthday parties and political dinners at the park. Once again the BMW motorcycle club enjoyed a few days at the park during Memorial Day Weekend and the park was once again host to a local Yoga group near the water’s edge. Local churches and other civic groups were also present to enjoy the peace and tranquility that the park has to offer, he added.
The summer day camp was a success; however, Mayhew said, longtime Day Camp Director Jen Larkin has resigned. "She will indeed be sorely missed, however, has agreed to offer guidance with the transition to our new Day Camp Director.," Mayhew said.