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Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
The January 20 18 billing of water and/or sewer taxes for the Town of Putnam WPCA is due and payable  January 1, 2019,   with the Town Revenue Collector.
Payments made after February 1, 2019, are delinquent and will be subject to an interest charge for both water and sewer at 1.5 percent per month or $2.00 minimum whichever is higher, according to Connecticut State Statute Sec. 12-146.
Mail must be postmarked no later than February, 1, 2019, to avoid interest charges.
On line payments can be made at the Town of Putnam website- after January, 1, 2019.

Monday through Wednesday, 8:30 AM -4:30 PM Thursday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Dec. 27, 2018
Jan. 3, 2019
Jan. 31, 2019

Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Putnam Special
Services District
East Putnam Fire
West Putnam District
(860) 963-6800
The second installment of taxes, due to the Town of Putnam, Special Services District, East Putnam Fire District, and West Putnam District on the Grand List of October 1, 2017, is due and payable on January 1, 2019 through February 1, 2019.
Payments postmarked after February 1, 2019, will be subject to an interest charge of 3 percent (1.5 percent per month) or $2 minimum per Town and $2.00 minimum per District (where applicable), whichever is higher, according to Connecticut State Statute, Sec. 12-146.
Mail must be postmarked no later than February 1, 2019, to avoid interest charges. Current bills may be paid online at
Supplemental Motor Vehicle bills will be due in full during January. Motor Vehicle bills are for vehicles registered between October 2, 2017, and July 31, 2018.
If anyone is having financial problems, please contact our office anytime. We will be glad to work with you on a payment arrangement.

Office  hours:
8:30 am- 4:30 PM Monday through Wednesday
8 am - 6 PM Thursday
8 am-1 PM Friday

Dec. 27, 2018
Jan. 3, 2019
Jan. 31, 2019

Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
2019 SMALL
The Town of Putnam Redevelopment Agency is seeking proposals from qualified firms or individuals for professional and technical services required to prepare a 2019 Small Cities Community Development Program Application and provide administrative and technical support to implement activities including program income during the contract period.  This RFP also includes selection for other Federal/State funding programs such as STEAP, USDA, etc. that may be used to meet local community development and housing needs.
Proposal documents are available at the Putnam Redevelopment Office, 156 Main Street, Putnam, CT 06260, at or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Proposals must be received in the Putnam Redevelopment Office, 156 Main Street, Putnam, CT 06260 no later than 3:00 p.m. on February 13, 2019.  The Town of Putnam reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals, or any part thereof, if it is in the best interest of the Town.

Jan. 31, 2019
