PUTNAM — The Putnam Police Department will conduct its first Citizens Police Academy, starting April 30. It is free.
The Citizens Police Academy (CPA) is an exciting way to learn about police work. Through a well-prepared and dynamic curriculum, taught once a week for nine weeks, students will learn about the various aspects of police operations. Academy participants will meet many of the men and women who serve in the Putnam Police Department as well as members from our State and Federal partners, as they explain the roles of police officers, investigators, and administrators. Participants will also learn how officers are trained, and how every citizen can help protect themselves and their community against crime, according to Captain Justin Lussier.
Classes will meet on Tuesday evenings for nine weeks, including a graduation ceremony on June 25. Classes will be two hours in length.
Applications will be available on the Putnam Police Department web site at www.putnampolice.com or they can be picked up in person at Putnam Police Headquarters, 189 Church St. Applications will be accepted until March 1. Questions regarding the Citizens Police Academy may be directed to Captain Lussier at
Anyone interested in this program must complete an application and submit to a limited background investigation by the Putnam Police Department that will include a check of their criminal history and driving record. Acceptance into the program will be limited to 25 participants on an individual basis as determined by the chief of Police. Preference will be given to residents of the Putnam Special Services District, however, any local resident may apply.
Students must be a minimum of 18 years of age by the first day of class; however, high school students under 18 who exhibit exceptional maturity and in interest in law enforcement will be considered. Class space is limited, but a waiting list will be held for future classes should the demand exceed available space.
Lussier said: “An important and exciting component of the Academy is providing participants with the opportunity to leave the classroom and participate in many of the practical exercises. This experience will give the participants a first-hand look at the dynamic world of policing in the 21st century. The Citizens Police Academy is an excellent way for community members to become better informed about crime and public safety. It also gives Putnam residents and other community stakeholders an opportunity to develop working relationships with the Police Department members.