The following charges were listed in the Putnam Police Department logs. The people charged are innocent until proven guilty in court. The Town Crier will publish dispositions of cases at the request of the accused. The dispositions must be accompanied by the proper documentation. The Putnam Police Department confidential Tip Line is 963-0000.
Feb. 10
Justin Tokarz, 23, South Main Street, Putnam; failure to drive right.
Feb. 15
Anthony Silva, 27, Park Street, Putnam; operating unregistered.
Feb. 16
Edmund Pratt, 47, Woodstock Avenue, Putnam; OUI, failure to drive right, operating under suspension, reckless driving.
Feb. 17
Sterling Townes, 39, Walnut Street, Putnam; operating motor vehicle under suspension, operating an unregistered motor vehicle, operating without insurance.
Feb. 18
Jesse Davis, 24, James Street, E. Putnam; breach of peace.
Feb. 19
Paul Quinn, 21, School Street, Southbridge; illegal use of cell phone, possession of less than ½ oz. of marijuana type substance, and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Feb. 20
Joseph Sasso, 23, Morin Avenue, Danielson; failure to respond to an infraction/violation, second-degree failure to appear.
Richard Harlow, 60, Woodstock Avenue, Putnam; violation of restraining order, first-degree criminal trespass.
Feb. 22
Mattieu Jendrewski, 32, Woodstock Avenue, Putnam; failure to grant the right of way at an intersection, operating with a suspended license, no insurance.
Feb. 23
Aleksandr Krivosheev, 23, Harrison Street, Putnam; operating an unregistered motor vehicle.