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Left to right: Chase Graphics Inc. of Putnam recently won a regional award. Left to right: Daniel Yargeau, Chase Graphics Press production manager; Lynn Bourque, Putnam Bank SVP and branch administrator; James St. Jean, Chase Graphics president; Thomas Borner, Putnam Bank president and CEO; Debra St. Jean, Chase Graphics vice president; Jennifer Brytowski, Chase Graphics Marketing & Sales specialist; LeeAnn Kieltyka, Putnam Bank VP Retail Lending; Jessica Reed, Putnam Bank marketing associate; Kathy Guertin, Chase Graphics Design and Creative director. Courtesy photo.

PUTNAM — Printing Industries of New England (PINE) announced that Chase Graphics, Inc. of Putnam is an award winner in the Association’s New England regional Awards of Excellence Competition.
Chase Graphics’ prize winning piece was the “2018 Putnam Bank Annual Report.”
PINE’s Awards of Excellence Competition attracted over 300 entries from over 35 printing and imaging companies across New England competing in a variety of printing and graphic communications categories such as best annual report, direct mail campaign, labels & packaging, and more. A panel of judges with extensive experience in printing and print production was brought in to examine the wide range of work submitted. Each entry was judged anonymously on its own merit in a category with similar printed pieces. The judging criteria included: registration, clarity and neatness, sharpness of halftones and line drawings, richness and tonal qualities of color, paper and ink selection, ink coverage, difficulty of printing, effective contrast or softness, overall visual impact and bindery.
“Our judges have a total of 80 years of print production experience and are invited across the country to other PIA associations to judge, so they have seen all levels of print,” said Christine Hagopian, PINE’s president.
