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Calling all artists!
The Putnam Business Association’s First Fridays Committee and the Putnam Arts Council are looking for original artwork to grace the 2019 First Fridays poster.
The work would be inspired by the First Fridays’ theme this year: American Sports, American Music, American Theme Parks & Animation, Happy 50th Anniversary Woodstock, Celebrating ComCon and Steam Punk.
The winning piece will be reproduced as the cover of the First Fridays program which is distributed throughout northeast Connecticut and beyond. The winner will be awarded at $250 cash prize and will be a featured artist, complete with a bio in the program.
All work must be submitted in full color and fit into a 16x20 poster frame portrait orientation or it will be disqualified. The deadline is March 30.
Visit for an entry form. Entries can be dropped off at WINY Radio station where they will be on display until judging time.
For more information, contact Karen at 860-928-1350.
