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Take part in search
for superintendent
PUTNAM — A Putnam Superintendent search process is underway and parents, the community and town officials are invited to take part in a focus group session at 7 p.m. March 20 in the Putnam Board of Education Office, large conference room at Putnam High.
The Putnam School District has engaged the New England School Development Council (NESDEC) to assist them in the search process for a new superintendent of schools.
An integral part of the process involves parent and community participation in focus groups.  
The groups are designed to obtain participant input about the attributes, experience and knowledge that the new superintendent should possess.
  The groups also provide an opportunity for participants to identify immediate tasks which the new superintendent should address.
This important focus group will last approximately 1 – 1 ½ hours.  
If you are unable to attend this session and would like to contribute to the process, you may complete a focus group survey.  
To access the survey please go the Putnam School District website,  
This survey will become active on March 15 and stay open through March 21.
