Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
MAY 6, 2019
The Electors and Citizens qualified to vote in Town Meeting of the Town of Putnam, Connecticut, are hereby notified and warned that the Special Town Meeting of said Town will be held at the Board of Education Conference Room, Putnam High School, 152 Woodstock Ave., Putnam, Connecticut, on the 6th day of May 2019, at 7:30 o’clock in the evening for the following purposes:
1. To choose a moderator for said meeting.
2. To determine the wishes of those present and eligible to vote at Town Meeting of the Town of Putnam:
(a) RESOLVED, That the Mayor and Board of Selectmen of the Town are hereby authorized to enter into agreements substantially in the form of the System Site Lease Agreement and the Virtual Net Metering Credit Purchase and Assignment Agreement, both agreements between the Town of Putnam and Putnam Renewable Energy, LLC, and both agreements having copies on file in the Office of the Mayor and available for public inspection during normal business hours;
(b) to authorize the Mayor, the Board of Selectmen and other proper officers of the Town to take all other action which is necessary or desirable to bind the Town pursuant to such representations and covenants as they deem necessary or advisable in order to prepare applications, easements, amendments and/or other documentation related to the installation and use of photovoltaic generating system at the 344 River Road property, and/or related to the purchase and assignment agreement for virtual net metering credits.
3. To determine the wishes of those present and eligible to vote at Town Meeting of the Town of Putnam:
(a) RESOLVED, That the Mayor and Board of Selectmen of the Town are hereby authorized to enter into agreement substantially in the form of the Gravel Sale Contract, between the Town of Putnam and Strategic Commercial Realty, Inc.; having copy on file in the Office of the Mayor and available for public inspection during normal business hours;
(b) to authorize the Mayor, the Board of Selectmen and other proper officers of the Town to take all other action which is necessary or desirable to bind the Town pursuant to such representations and covenants as they deem necessary or advisable in order to prepare applications, easements, and/or amendments related to the site preparation including gravel excavation associated with the Sabin Street Recreation Fields project at 413 Sabin Street, Putnam, Connecticut.
Dated at Putnam, Connecticut,
this 18th day of April 2019
Town of Putnam
Its Board of Selectmen
Norman Seney, Mayor
Roy Simmons
J. Scott Pempek
Jeffrey Rawson
Donald Steinbrick
Sarah J. Seney,
Town Clerk
April 25, 2019
Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
The April 2019 billing of water and/or sewer taxes for the Town of Putnam WPCA is due and payable on April 1, 2019, with the Town Revenue Collector.
Payments made after May 1, 2019, are delinquent and will be subject to an interest charge for both water and sewer at 1.5 percent per month or $2.00 minimum whichever is higher, according to Connecticut State Statute SEC. 12-146.
Mail must be postmarked no later than May 1, 2019, to avoid interest charges.
Online payments can be made at the Town of Putnam website – after April 1, 2019.
Monday through Wednesday, 8:30 AM — 4:30 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
March 28, 2019
April 4, 2019
April 25, 2019
Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Inland Wetland
The Town of Putnam Inland Wetland Commission held a meeting on April 10, 2019, at 7:00 P.M. at the Putnam Town Hall located at 126 Church Street, Putnam, CT. The following action was taken:
Application # 2019-02: Town of Pomfret – Sewer Main along the Airline Trail – APPROVED.
Application # 2019-04: Town of Putnam - Recreational Fields – Sabin Street- TABLED TO MAY 8, 2019 MEETING.
Application # 2019-05: Town of Putnam, DPW – Tank Installation – 151 Fox Road – APPROVED.
Bruce Fitzback,
April 25, 2019