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English award winners
WILLIMANTIC — The English Department at Eastern Connecticut State University held its semesterly celebration of student excellence this December. “English Night” featured an awards ceremony, induction into the Sigma Tau Delta international honor society and student presentations.
Among the students recognized were:
Victoria Bryer ’21 of Dayville. Bryer was one of two First Year Writing Award recipients.
These are awarded to students in the “College Writing” and “College Writing Plus” courses whose writing is innovative, creative, well-researched or uniquely articulated.
Nicolas Guastini ’19 of Danielson. Guastini was inducted into Sigma Tau Delta.
In order to qualify, English students must have completed a minimum of four 200-level English courses, a minimum average GPA of 3.5 in English courses and an overall 3.0 GPA. Members are eligible for select scholarships, internship opportunities and other benefits.
