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DAYVILLE — Some say it’s all in the numbers, and Tara Ouellette of Woodstock has been individually identified at Westview Health Care Center as February’s Employee of the Month.  This scale of staff is important, for it is her role to process payroll across their entire workforce of full-time, part time, and per-diem employees.
She also tracks all of the Accounts Payable, whether that’s for a new piece of sophisticated rehabilitation equipment or an order of 10,000 paperclips.
She is also Westview’s Resident Trust Coordinator.
She married Joseph Ouellette on the beaches of Newport in June 2018, and collectively, they have six children and five grandchildren.
In their travels, they emphasize the desire to see as many different beaches along the Eastern seaboard and upon Caribbean islands.  
“Tara is a perfect fit here at Westview,” stated David T. Panteleakos, administrator. “She has done an amazing job with adjusting to our environment and handling the complexities of our business systems with ease. She is very deserving of this acknowledgment.”
