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Budget hearing
POMFRET — Pomfret will be holding an all Boards Meeting / Public Hearing on the 2020-2021 Budget on at 7 p.m. April 30 via ZOOM online meeting. Go to for information on taking part online or by phone.  The transcript and video of the meeting will be available from the Town’s website within a few days after the meeting.
Comments may also be submitted online through the Town’s website, by snail mail or phone. Recently held meeting’s transcripts and videos are available online as well. These can be accessed and reviewed from the Town’s website, under ‘News & Announcements” on the BOS and BOF pages.
 The proposed 2020-2021 Budgets are posted online and include the General Government operational budget, the Capital and Non-Recurring expenditures, the Board of Education Budget, expected revenues and other components of the budget.
