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PUTNAM — The no-visitor mandate for nursing homes necessitated getting creative for the staff at Matulaitis Rehab and Skilled Care for Mother’s Day.
To keep families connected, Matulaitis has been coordinating window visits, Facetime, Skype chats and video calls and more. So Mother’s Day, traditionally the busiest day for flower and balloon-toting visitors, this year Mother’s Day was different.  Assistant Activity Director Nicole Zannini and the Activity Department contacted the East Putnam Fire Station for assistance and a rescue truck led the way to a 56-car (and three motorcycles) procession through the portico at the Matulaitis entrance. Cars were decorated with flowers, balloons and posters with messages to moms, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Residents felt the love over the car horns!
The staff thanked Karl Kuhn and Quiet Corner Cares who brought flowers in recognition of the nurses and personnel at Matulaitis. The flowers were donated to be used in the flower beds for residents to enjoy.
