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Legal Notice
West Putnam Tax District
Meeting Date: Thursday,  May 21, 2020
The Electors of the West Putnam District and those citizens qualified to vote in said District meetings, are hereby notified and warned that the Annual Meeting of said District will be held on Thursday, May 21, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. via ZOOM:
To access the meeting via the internet log in to:
Meeting ID #: 731 4079 8802 ~ Password:  6z7ZDt
To access the meeting via telephone dial:
1-929-205-6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID #: 731 4079 8802 ~ Password: 516533
The meeting is being held for the following purposes:
1.  Treasurer’s Report.
2. To adopt a budget for the coming fiscal year.
3. To elect officers and directors for the coming fiscal year.
4. To do any other business proper to come before said meeting.
Peter G. Newth,
West Putnam District
Kelly A. Newth,
West Putnam District
May 14, 2020
