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A different
kind of
Sculpture Affair
coming to Putnam
PUTNAM — In light of the state COVID-19 guidelines, the town will not be able to have the annual July 4th Holiday Fireworks display that had been set for July 5. The fireworks are moved to July 3, 2021.
In keeping with the town’s unofficial COVID-19 motto “We’ve got a great idea”, the town will host a two-month long “Sculpture Affair” in the Business District and along the Putnam River Trail.  
Artist Dale Rogers, the man who created the current sculptures in town: Bird in Hand (Rotary Park), 4 People (River Trail) and Big Dog (entrance to Dog Park) will bring a display that will make “Sculpture Affair” an artistic collection of more than 20 sculptures for people to enjoy while walking in Putnam.
The Town of Putnam in partnership with the Putnam Arts Council will host the “Sculpture Affair” in Putnam from July 4 till Sept. 4.
There will be Woodland Animals for the youngsters, symbolic pieces for the young-at-heart and sculptures that make you stop and think. Families and friends are walking to stay healthy during these unprecedented times. What better way to spend a day than to walk Putnam and see the beautiful, solid, large 3-D sculptures that combine the love of abstract geometrics with organic lines and figurative appeal.
Rogers said art should be accessible to all and he has become an advocate for public art. “Art is my love; public art is my passion.”
He will unveil his most significant piece to date, “Bird Man“, in the center of Rotary Park.
“Sculpture Affair “will be powered by Putnam Bank (a division of Centreville Bank) and Wheelabrator Putnam Inc. These major sponsors have helped Putnam create exciting events in the past and within the current CT COVID-19 guidelines this will be a terrific opportunity to safely enjoy Putnam. There will be a handy map (card sized) of all the art available at Putnam stores and restaurants.
