The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) has awarded more than $11,000 in a new grant program designed to help non-profits build capacity during challenging times. Funds are still available. As non-profits strive to advance their mission while not being able to offer their usual programs, events and opportunities, TLGV will provide up to $1,500 for equipment, services and training to help organizations improve communication or provide alternative means of engaging the public.
“We’re trying to encourage innovative ideas for working in a new climate,” said Lois Bruinooge, executive director of TLGV. “We want to help non-profits in the National Heritage Corridor not only get through a challenging time but unlock new potential for their organizations moving forward. The response so far shows us the funding is meeting an important need.”
Grants have been awarded to: Pomfret Historical Society in Pomfret: $750 for equipment to digitize images and documents for use on their website; Windham County 4-H Foundation in Pomfret: $1,500 for the purchase of equipment to offer virtual learning experiences; Click in Windham: $1,065 for the creation of an outdoor “open air” learning space in Willimantic; Connecticut Daughters of the American Revolution in Lebanon: $853 to hire a videographer/marketing company to produce a video to promote the history of the Wadsworth Stable; Girl Scouts of Connecticut in Lebanon: $1,500 for equipment to enhance virtual learning at the environmental lab at Camp Laurel; Joshua’s Tract Conservation and Historic Trust in Mansfield: $1,500 for the purchase of equipment and software to increase their ability to film and promote their properties throughout the region; The Mill Museum in Willimantic: $1,490 to develop and implement online educational programs to promote the history of the region; Norwich Historical Society in Norwich: $1,500 for the production of three videos to improve public awareness of Norwich history and increase NHS and Leffingwell House Museum’s storytelling capabilities; Opacum Land Trust in Southbridge: $1,500 to improve and expand their remote communications through their website and other digital platforms to better promote their properties.
Grants may range from $500 – $1,500. Funds will be dispersed on a reimbursement basis and must be matched 1:1 by cash or in-kind contributions. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Non-profit 501(c) organizations are eligible and must have missions aligned with and advancing the visions and strategies of Vision 2020, the management plan for The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor, which can be found at in the Publications section under the About menu.
Full application details and requirements can be found on on the home page in the news section. All applications must be emailed to