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Britt wins
HARTFORD — A Putnam student, Elysse Britt, was a winner of this year’s CHET Dream Big! Competition and Advance Scholarship.
The CHET Dream Big! Competition asks fourth through eighth grade students wrote essays explaining how they will make a difference in their community or the world after college through their job, idea, or community service.
Britt interviewed Holly Gilbert, a cancer survivor and co-founder of Daily Bread, a local food bank. Britt was moved by Holly’s capacity for love, empathy and appreciation for others despite the difficulties she faced.
For the CHET Advance Scholarship program, first year high school students had the option to enter a civic engagement category or non-merit category.
As civic engagement winners, these students will receive a $2,023 contribution.
Students that participated in the non-merit category will receive a $1,750 contribution.
Both categories are eligible for a $500 match if the students save $500 before December of their senior year.
