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fund-raiser Aug. 16
PUTNAM — A new name! A secret location! The Putnam Business Association will hold its 2020 Pluck-A-Duck fund-raiser event at noon Aug. 16.
More than 4,500 rubber ducks will be released at a secret, duck pond location in Putnam. They will then be “plucked” for a chance to win 55+ fantastic prizes. The event won’t be open to the public but viewers can cheer on their duck during a live event broadcast on WINY Radio 1350 AM & 97.1 FM and the Putnam Business Association’s Facebook page. The first 2 viewers responding to WINY Radio or the PBA’s Facebook pages correctly identifying the secret, duck pond location will win a $50 gift card to a local restaurant, courtesy of bankHometown.
The 2020 Pluck-A-Duck is a major fund-raising event provides support to the PBA’s various community events such as First Fridays, Zombie Fashion Show, The Great Pumpkin Festival, and Fire & Ice Festival that draw thousands of visitors into Connecticut’s “Quiet Corner.” 
And new to this year’s event, 15 non-profit organizations will also benefit from selling duck drawing tickets as an opportunity to raise more than $5,000 for their worthy cause. These various groups include the American Legion Post 13, Bags of Hope CT, Boy Scout Troop 21, Danielson Veterans Coffee House, NAMI Windham County NWC, NEIP, Northeast Opportunities for Wellness, Northeast CT Women & Girls Fund,  PAWS Cat Rescue, Putnam Rotary Club, Red Cord Ministries, TEEG, The Arc Eastern Connecticut, The Last Green Valley, and The Hale YMCA Youth & Family Center.
Pluck-A-Duck tickets can be purchased at these essential non-profit organizations, and local businesses, including The Putnam Business Association Office (158 Main Street, Putnam CT), WINY Radio (45 Pomfret Street, Putnam CT), Putnam Bank (40 Main Street & 251 Kennedy Drive, Putnam; 100 Averill Road, Pomfret; 125 Wauregan Road, Danielson CT), bankHometown (182 Main Street, Putnam), Putnam Economic Development Office (156 Main Street, Putnam), at upcoming community Farmers Markets, and also online at
The PBA extended appreciation to media sponsor Jewett City Savings Bank for support of the live broadcast, Gary O of WINY Radio, and also to various local businesses graciously donating major prizes, gift baskets, gift certificates to local retail establishments and restaurants, and more, during such challenging economic times.
