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The International Paper Putnam Mill recently presented a check for $5,000 to the Pomfret Public Library.  From left:  Meagan Wright, HR Generalist – New England; TJ Billiard, plant general manager; David Schwartz, plant sales manager; Bernie Mahon, plant manufacturing manager; Laurie Bell, Pomfret Public Library director; Marc Archambault, Capital Campaign vice chairman; and Anita Santerre, HR administrator.

POMFRET — The International Paper Putnam Mill and the International Paper Foundation awarded the Pomfret Public Library a $5,000 grant to support education and literacy through the development of Early Literacy Kits that families and educators may borrow from the library.
TJ Billiard, Putnam Plant general manager said the kits will include manipulatives, tools, games, literature, etc. in a variety of themes and disciplines, and will focus on preschool through elementary grades.
“International Paper’s plant is Putnam through the IP Foundation is proud to support the Pomfret Public Library project.  It’s part of the commitment of our more than 110 local employees.  Our mission is to impact local organizations that impact literacy and learning.  The Pomfret Library through its varied programs is making a difference every day,” said Billiard.
Schooling is one of the most pressing and stressful aspects of the COVid-19 pandemic as administrators, teachers and parents all struggle to balance education and childcare needs with concerns for the health and safety of students and school staff.  As part of its role in the Pomfret community the Public Library has been available to the community throughout the COVID-19
Library Director Laurie Bell, “We want to provide whatever assistance we can to families and educators who are navigating the difficult waters of the various learn-from-home models. We hope to provide resources that will be useful whether you choose homeschool, virtual school, or an in-school/at-home hybrid model for your family. We’re very grateful for this community support from the International Paper Foundation!”
The International Paper Foundation gives millions to nonprofit organizations to address critical needs in the communities where its employees live and work. Funding priority is given to programs related to its signature causes: education, hunger, health & wellness, disaster relief, and initiatives that improve the planet. For more information, visit
The library is in the midst of a Capital Campaign aimed at doubling the size of the current facility.  The Campaign, which has a goal of $500,000, is led by General Chairperson Atty. Kate Cerrone and Vice Chairpersons Marc and Mary Archambault.
