‘Mask It Up’ strikes a chord
Fresh off the paws of creating Norm, the COVID-19 Community Watch Dog, a hip-hop song has been created to also help kids pre-K through 5th grade develop and maintain healthy habits and reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19.
The Northeast District Department of Health (NDDH) and Generations Family Health Center teamed up again to produce a hip-hop song and music video to promote mask-wearing among middle- school to college-age youths.
According to NDDH Education and Communications Coordinator Linda Colangelo, “Mask-wearing is one of the most important prevention strategies we currently have in reducing the risk of COVID-19, but it’s also the most challenging behavior to convince people to adopt. We wanted to find a platform that would be appealing to teens and young adults – and we found it in artist Zack Kindall and ‘Mask It Up’.”
Kindall, a 20-year-old Connecticut-based recording artist, is a former student-athlete at Eastern Connecticut State University. His creativity and growing popularity as a social media influencer crossed paths with Generations and NDDH at a perfect time.
A Generations spokesperson said they hope adapting original lyrics written by Linda Colangelo, Zack created a new version that would resonate with the middle-school to college-age demographic for use in the song and music video. They hope ‘Mask It Up’ will become a theme song throughout the pandemic and that its message, catchy lyrics and beat will stay with people.
Kindall said: “I am inspired to use my music as a platform to uplift people and bring more joy to this world just like other artists have done for me. I love being able to see people smile from my music – especially during these stressful times - and I want to have a positive impact on them. At the end of the day that is what matters most to me. I hope people like the song, but more importantly, I hope they take the message seriously and ‘Mask It Up’.”
The “Mask It Up” music video can be viewed for free at: ttp://bit.ly/GenHealthMaskItUp.