When we take a photograph, we are trying to capture not only what we are seeing, but also what we are feeling at that moment — not always an easy task as the very act of taking the photo can actually alter our experience. Some people who don’t care about the experience as they are super focused on only having a series of photos which justify not only where they were, but also, how they looked. In one way I envy these people because they end up with a bunch of pictures that come from the best angles, highlighting the scenery or themselves in the most complimentary manner. Since I take photos which often have uncentered landmarks, too much or too little light and highlight my extra chin, I am not one of these picture takers. Yet, my imperfect photos are a perfect balance of both capturing and experiencing a moment. If a picture is worth a thousand words, I often take pictures which can fill a whole novel!
I have taken an occasional photography lesson wherein I have been instructed to frame my subjects in a way which gives them context in the space that they are in. This is great advice for capturing images of not only what I see, but also when I am trying to capture images of what I feel.
For example, when I look back at photos on my phone, I may come across a very blurry one taken from the car. Rather than instantly discard it as a mistake, I am convinced that my photo was not only taken within the appropriate context of the subject’s surroundings (from a car) but also effectively captured my feeling at the time of car sickness, which I often experience when there are too many things I try to see whizzing by my window. When I have just climbed or reached a high mountain peak which overlooks a breathtaking view, I not only take a picture of the view, from every side, but I also take a photo straight down, or at least as close to straight down as my wobbly legs will allow. These series of photos do not interfere with my feelings of awe and pride, but rather, serve as a visual reminder of the moment.
Since we are not members of the paparazzi, traveling around taking perfect pictures of our ‘distant selves’, my photography advice is to NOT look back at the photos you are taking until after you have experienced the moment. This ensures that the pictures themselves will serve as reminders of the experience. Critiquing a photo of how you look whilst standing at the top of the mountain means that you are no longer looking at and experiencing the magnificent view. If you look cold, then you probably felt cold. If you look sweaty and unkempt, then you probably felt hot and weary, making the photos you capture absolutely perfect within the context of the moment.
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Kathy Naumann, possessor of NATURALLY curly hair and the understanding that you can’t control everything!