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Holiday Dazzle Light Parade
will be 'reverse' parade this year
Nov. 29 in Murphy Park
PUTNAM — WINY radio 1350 am I 97.1fm and the Town of Putnam will be re-formatting the 19th year of the traditional Holiday Dazzle Light Parade.
Due to COVID-19 guidelines the town will host a reverse parade from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Nov. 29 in Murphy Park on Keech Street. The rain date is Dec. 6.
Spectators will be doing the moving, not the floats. The public is invited to travel in their cars through an assembly of floats and entries at the Murphy park grounds.
Cars will enter from the former National Guard driveway and exit at the gate in front of Murphy Park.
The parade committee is invited floats and entries to take part. Entries will be limited to 50.
Instead of a Grand Marshall the public is asked to consider making a donation of food or money to the northeastern Connecticut food pantries.
As the public exits the park, there will be an optional donation drop-off location across the street from the park exit.
WINY radio 1350 am I 97.1fm will be hosting a live Holiday Radio performance in their studio so the public can tune into while they travel through the park.
