Tour de Quiet Corner:
Virtual fun ride
DANIELSON — The Quiet Corner Chapter of the New England Mountain Bike Association (QC NEMBA) is holding its annual fund-raiser as a virtual guided tour of six different riding locations in northeast CT from Oct. 15 to Nov. 15. After downloading the Trailforks app, anyone can follow 13 different planned routes with a smartphone. Routes range from a 6-mile novice loop at Mansfield Hollow to a 22-mile expert beat-down in Pachaug State Forest. QC NEMBA welcomes donations to help support its efforts to maintain trails (for all trail users) and advocate for recreational trail use in the Quiet Corner.
The Tour de Quiet Corner features at least one route in each of the following riding locations: Old Furnace State Park, Goodwin State Forest, West Thompson Dam, Mansfield Hollow State Park, Pachaug State Forest and Nathan Hale State Forest. Every route on Trailforks offers parking locations, mileage and elevation, suggested riding level, places to eat and local bike shops. QC NEMBA is also offering great prizes to anyone who makes a donation and rides all 6 parks. Please share pix & adventures on our Facebook page and Instagram @QCNEMBA. The Facebook event post is