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More bridge
work is on
the menu
for Putnam
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM --- Now that three bridges in Putnam have been replaced or rehabilitated, the town is turning its attention to the other bridges in town.
The replacement of the 40-foot bridge over the Little River on Recreation Park Road and the 43-feet Woodstock Avenue bridge, also crossing the Little River, are finished. The rehabilitation of the 265-foot Bridge Street bridge was finished this year as well.
Highway Superintendent Travis Sirrine said "next up will be cursory inspections of the other bridges in town." He said the state used to inspect all bridges in the state but now they only inspect those bridges longer than 20 feet. The town uses an engineering firm to inspect its bridges.
"We will inspect them all and then prioritize which bridge is next," he said.
The town's list is based on the State DOT bridge list updated in 2016, according to Town Administrator Elaine Sistare. She said the state performs bi-annual inspections of bridges over 20-foot span length and shares the inspection reports with the town. The town is responsible for inspections of smaller bridges.
She added, "While in recent years the town has had some major bridge rehabilitation and replacement projects, there are more to plan for in upcoming years."
According to the table of Putnam bridges, four bridges in Putnam are in the planning stages for rehabilitation or replacement in the next year or two. The East Putnam Road 30-foot bridge 0.5 miles south of Rt. 44 is slated for rehabilitation. The Danco Drive 22-foot bridge over the Danco Drive Brook is being planned in the next one to two years for rehab/replacement .  The Five Mile River Road 31-foot bridge over the Five Mile River, 0.2 miles east of Tucker Hill Road, will be in planning in the next one to two years for minor rehabilitation and the 24-foot bridge over Cady Brook on East Putnam Road, 7 miles south of Rt. 44, is also slated for minor rehabilitation.
The 24-foot bridge over Cady Brook on Chase Road was replaced about 2015. The 14-foot bridge over the Little Dam Tavern Brook on Bates Avenue has been rehabilitated in the last 10 years.
Other bridges with no notes yet include a 31-foot bridge over the Five Mile River on Chase Road, 0.5 miles west of East Putnam Road; the 34-foot bridge over the Five Mile River Road on Munyan Road, 3,000 feet from junction with Rt. 44; the 27-foot bridge over Mary Brown Brook on the Rhode Island line;  the 14-foot bridge over Wheaton Brook on Woodstock Avenue; the 18-foot bridge over Little Dam Tavern Brook on Thompson Avenue, 0.33 miles north of Rt. 44; The 9-foot bridge on Aldrich Road; the 13-foot bridge over Munyan Brook on Munyan  Road, 0.5 miles northeast of Rt. 44; the 11-foot bridge over Keech Brook on Elmwood Hill Road, 1.1 miles southeast of Jct. 430; the 17-foot bridge over Culver  Brook on Industrial Park Road, 0.1 miles west of Rt. 12; and the 6-foot bridge on Kennedy Road, 1.2 miles south of Rt. 44.
