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Rousing Success
The Putnam Rotary’s Interact Club and bell ringing volunteers beat last year’s total for its Salvation Army kettle bell ringing fund-raiser. This year generous donations helped the grand total hit $9,774, exceeding 2019’s total of $8,727!   “It wouldn’t have been possible without the bell ringer volunteers,” said Roberta Rocchetti, Putnam Rotary’s Interact advisor.  “This year we had more schools and civic organizations volunteering making this a real community effort.”  Rocchetti thanked the Dec 19 bell ringers: Kaylee Goding (PHS) and from KHS Dedrick Bauble, Madelyn Sumner, Sarah Roberts, Lillian Stockford, Jordan Rukstela, Cal Barber, Evelyn Allen, Amaya West, Kaleb Watson, Abe Antonelli, Laney Dunn, Sophie and Annie Griffin, Abby Card, and Shelby Bellows.  Right: Allen and Barber.
