Above: Bricklaying has begun. Near right: The design for the main building peaks. Far right: The design for the library section. Bottom right: Scaffolding set up in heated space. Below: "Pre-brick" wall with temporary window and insulation. Linda Lemmon photos.
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM --- Tucked in behind a shelter of plastic, masons from Dexter Mason Contractor got to work putting the bricks on the walls of the Municipal Complex recently.
Bruce W. Dexter II, CEO, said he's got a dozen to 15 masons doing the work that he believes will be award winning.
Jan. 4 Karen Osbrey, chair of the complex building committee, laid a brick and after that the masons were off to the races.
Dexter said it will take them about two and a half months to complete the work. He said they need at least 40 degrees to lay brick which should be no problem with the heaters set up inside the encasement.
The outside of the complex, including the library with the slanted roof, will be covered with red brick. On the larger complex some black bricks will be interwoven in the peaks of the building, according to Elaine Sistare, town administrator. In the sample walls built next to the complex, that is a "dots" design. On the library side, the black bricks will be interspersed vertically.
Dexter complimented the building committee for the bricks they picked. "They picked a great color and a good quality brick." Some 120,000 bricks will be going in.
In addition, Dexter complimented the Downes Construction Company LLC architect. He said the detail of the black brick design is top notch and that he believes this will be "award winning for design and craftsmanship."
The 40,000-square foot Municipal Complex will house offices, the library, plus a community room, and space for the Aspinock Historical Society. There will be 117 parking spaces plus an additional 76 overflow spots, according to Sistare. The project sits on 7 acres and is slated to open in late summer/early fall this year.
The cost is $19.9 million with some covered by grants.