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Earns Award
Emma Costa is an 8th grade Pomfret resident, and a Cadette Girl Scout who recently completed her Silver Award.

Scout earns
Silver Award
 POMFRET --- Emma Costa, an eighth grader at Pomfret Community School and a Cadette Girl Scout with Troop 65500, recently completed her Silver Award project, the highest ranking award a Cadette Girl Scout can earn.
A scout needs to spend a minimum of 50 hours working toward a project’s goal. For her project, Costa decided to tackle several needs in the community in one project; the need for reusable bags, the need for healthy meals, and the need for filling the shelves at food pantries.
She made 30 reusable grocery bags that included a small recipe book with nutrition facts, most of the non-perishable items needed to make the recipes, and a gift card to purchase perishable items.
In order to help fund her project, Emma used her sewing skills to make and sell masks to raise money for the gift cards. She conducted a food drive at her church, Our Lady of LaSalette, and asked family and friends to help by donating food items to fill the bags. She said, “Working on this project allowed me to help others in need.”
She donated 10 bags to each of these local food pantries: The Daily Bread, Pomfret Food Pantry, and Friends of Assisi. In the future, Costa said, she hopes to “tackle other projects like this to support her community.”
Troop 6500 is led by Gerri Szamocki, Elizabeth Costa and Tammy Szpryka. The troop consists of 15 girls from all towns in the Quiet Corner. If you are interested in learning more about scouting or this project, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
