Assistant Scoutmaster Christopher Jodoin, far left, shows several Troop 21 Scouts what the truck’s undercarriage looks like. Photo by John D. Ryan.
PUTNAM — Scouts BSA Troop 21 in Putnam started Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge recently. Scouts will learn how to change the fluids and oil, change a tire, do minor repairs and take care of motor vehicles in general.
“This is the kind of thing everybody should learn,” said Troop 21 Assistant Scoutmaster Christopher Jodoin. “People who know what to look for when they buy and take care of a car are going to save money and avoid problems. It’s great that our boys are learning this.”
Troop 21 continues to meet every week, outdoors since June, in keeping with COVID-19 restrictions, with a full program, including hikes and learning practical and fun skills, like how to maintain a motor vehicle. Camping trips and other activities are being planned and will be scheduled when they are permitted.
To join Troop 21 or for more info, call Scoutmaster John Ryan at 860-928-7241 and leave a message.