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Taking Call-ins
Putnam Rotary Club Secretary Amanda Kelly manned the call-in hotline in the WINY Radio studio while Putnam Rotarians collected donations outside.

Almost double ...
probably more for Superheroes
The Putnam Rotary Club pulled in almost double its original goal in its Rotary Phoneathon, thanks, once again, to a generous, caring community.
With the “Super Help” of Superfriends of northeastern Connecticut, plus help from Rotarian Gary Osbrey and his staff at  WINY Radio, the Putnam Rotary Club raised over $4,300 during its recent WINY Radio phonathon in support of its local Superheroes on the frontlines of healthcare and education.
And that’s not the final count — donations are still coming in!
Donations will support the physical and mental health and well-being of healthcare workers at Day Kimball Hospital and Generations Healthcare, as well as the teachers in the club’s service area of Eastford, Pomfret, Putnam, Thompson, and Woodstock.
