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Legal Notice
Town of Pomfret
MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2021, AT 6:30 PM
The legal voters and citizens qualified to vote in Town Meeting of the Town of Pomfret are hereby warned to meet in person at the Pomfret Community/Senior Center, 207 Mashamoquet Road, Pomfret, Connecticut on Monday, March 1, 2021, at 7:00 pm or via virtual Zoom meeting as indicated below to act upon the following articles:
Article 1: To choose a Moderator for said meeting.
Article 2: To see if the Town will approve the discontinuation of sections of Quarry and Swedetown Roads from the intersection of said roads heading approximately 670 feet (.13 miles) north to the Woodstock town line and approximately 1600 feet (.3 miles west to the Eastford town line.)  Said discontinuation approved by the Board of Selectmen during their regular meeting of November 18, 2019.
Article 3: To see if the Town will approve a special appropriation in the amount of $200,000 to be placed in a capital fund transfer line for Bridge Repair and Replacement and for said appropriation to be funded from the Town of Pomfret undesignated fund.  Appropriation approved by the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance on August 10, 2020.
Article 4: To see if the Town will approve an appropriation of $150,000 from the Designated Open Space Land Acquisition Fund to the Wyndham Land Trust to be used by them toward the purchase of approximately 355 acres, of the 627 acres of land, and identified as the northern portion of the parcel located on Assessor’s Map 6, Block B, Lot 1 and Assessor’s Map 1, as approved by the Board of Selectmen on February 16, 2021 and Board of Finance on October 13, 2020.
Article 5: To see if the Town will approve capital fund transfers within accounts for finished projects to clear said accounts.  Transfers approved by the Board of Selectmen per schedule available at the meeting and copies of which are available at the office of the Pomfret Town Clerk, 5 Haven Road, Pomfret, Connecticut, and on the Town of Pomfret website under News & Announcements.
Article 6: To see if the Town will approve an Ordinance ‘Establishing Fees Payable Under Building, Fire, and Demolition Code, Fire Marshals and Fire Hazards, Safety of Public and Fire Marshal Inspections’.  Said Ordinance to establish the purpose and authority and establishment of fees for the Pomfret Fire Marshal.  Ordinance approved by the Pomfret Board of Selectmen during regular meeting of January 19, 2021. A copy of said Ordinance is available thru the office of the Pomfret Town Clerk, 5 Haven Road, Pomfret, Connecticut, and on the Town of Pomfret website under News & Announcements.
Article 7: To see if the Town will approve an Ordinance ‘Establishing Four-Year Terms of Office for the Pomfret First Selectman, Selectmen, and the Town Treasurer’ pursuant to Sections 9-187,9-187a, 9-189 and 9-189a of the CT General Statutes.  Ordinance approved by the Board of Selectmen during regular meeting of October 21, 2019. A copy of said Ordinance is available thru the office of the Pomfret Town Clerk, 5 Haven Road, Pomfret, Connecticut and on the Town of Pomfret website under News & Announcements.
Article 8: To do any other business proper to come before said meeting.

Dated at Pomfret, Connecticut
this 18th Day of February, 2021
Maureen Nicholson
Patrick McCarthy
Ellsworth Chase
Its Board of Selectmen

Attest: Cheryl A. Grist, Town Clerk

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Feb. 18, 2021

Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Inland Wetland Commission
The Town of Putnam Inland Wetland Commission held a meeting on February 10, 2021, at 7:00 P.M., via Zoom.  The following applications were APPROVED.
Application # 2021-02: Town of Putnam WPCA – Generator Shed – Municipal Improvements
Application # 2021-03: Juliano’s Pools – 38 River Junction Estates - Construction of an in-ground pool with a patio and fence.

David Pomes,

Feb. 18, 2021

Meeting ID: 956 7835 2820
Passcode: 9s4ggr
Mobile: +19292056099
Meeting ID: 956 7835 2820
Passcode: 811042

Legal Notice
Town of Pomfret
Notice is hereby given that a certified copy of the audit of the Town of Pomfret for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020, prepared by King, King & Associates, P.C., 170 Holabird Avenue, Winsted, Connecticut 06098, was filed in the Office of the Town Clerk of Pomfret on February 11, 2021.  In compliance with the requirements of section 7-394 of the Connecticut Statutes, said audit is on file for public inspection in said office at Five Haven Road, Pomfret Center, Connecticut.

Dated at Pomfret, Connecticut
This 11th day of February 2021

Cheryl A. Grist,
Town Clerk
Town of Pomfret

Feb. 18, 2021
