WOODSTOCK — The Center for Woodstock History is collaborating with The Woodstock Academy to compile a collection of materials that document the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of Woodstock and the Quiet Corner of Connecticut.
The collection will include photographs, oral histories, and short videos detailing the story of living through the pandemic in 2020 and 2021 Additional materials including drawings, paintings, and other artwork; written and video journals; and other objects will provide an important historical record of the impact on the lives of local inhabitants.
Northeastern Connecticut residents can submit photos on woodstockacademy.org/pandemicphotos for consideration. Snapshots of physical objects that might be included in the collection can be submitted in this way.
Jay Cantor at the Center for Woodstock History suggested images ranging from something as telling as “the floor in the market with directional arrows, people in line at a safe distance, door signage, outdoor signs thanking essential workers, or any other visible evidence.”
Submitted works will become a part of the Center for Woodstock History’s exhibition and be preserved as an important historical record.
Woodstock Academy social studies teacher, Richard Garceau, will assist with the collection and exhibit with involvement from Academy students.