Thur. March 4
PUTNAM --- A free Foodshare will be held at 11 a.m. at the Farmers Market Pavilion on Kennedy Drive for veterans and spouses only. 30-pound boxes of food. Drive-thru. Please wear masks. Presented by the Danielson Veterans Coffeehouse, the Town of Putnam, American Legion, Post 13, Putnam, and the Albert J. Breault VFW Post 1523.
Sat. March 6
Regional Foodshare
PUTNAM --- The Danielson Veterans Coffeehouse, the Town of Putnam, the Putnam VFW Post 1523 and the Putnam American Legion Post 13 will host a Foodshare at 10 a.m. at the Putnam Elementary School. It is open to all towns. Almost 1,500 30-pound boxes of food are due to be distributed. Drive-thru. Masks must be worn by all.
Sat. March 14
Fund-raiser Dinner
THOMPSON --- The American Legion Post 67 on Thompson Hill Road will hold a Corned Beef Dinner from 4 to 6:30 p.m. $10. Takeout only. Come inside and place order and it will be brought out to you.
Sat. March 20
PUTNAM --- The Danielson Veterans Coffeehouse, the Town of Putnam, the Putnam VFW Post 1523 and the Putnam American Legion Post 13 will host a Foodshare at 10 a.m. at the Putnam Elementary School. It is open to all towns. Almost 1,500 30-pound boxes of food are due to be distributed. Drive-thru. Masks must be worn by all.
Tues. March 23
PUTNAM --- The Danielson Veterans Coffeehouse will be held at 9 a.m. at the Putnam Elks Lodge 574 on Edmond Street. Sign in is required. No more than 4 members to a table. You will be required to wear your mask except when actually seated and engaged in eating and drinking.
Sat. April 3
PUTNAM --- The Danielson Veterans Coffeehouse, the Town of Putnam, the Putnam VFW Post 1523 and the Putnam American Legion Post 13 will host a Foodshare at 10 a.m. at the Putnam Elementary School. It is open to all towns. Almost 1,500 30-pound boxes of food are due to be distributed. Drive-thru. Masks must be worn by all.
Sat. April 17
PUTNAM --- The Danielson Veterans Coffeehouse, the Town of Putnam, the Putnam VFW Post 1523 and the Putnam American Legion Post 13 will host a Foodshare at 10 a.m. at the Putnam Elementary School. It is open to all towns. Almost 1,500 30-pound boxes of food are due to be distributed. Drive-thru. Masks must be worn by all.
Sat. April 24
Wall of Honor
PUTNAM --- The Putnam High School Wall of Honor ceremony will be held today.
Fri. June 12
Golf Tournament
KILLINGLY --- The Killingly-Brooklyn Rotary’s 28th annual Nick Haines Memorial Golf Tournament will be held at Connecticut National Golf Course. Benefits local charities. For info: 860-230-3530.