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The Putnam Police Department, (founded in 1896) Chief Christopher Ferace and Captain Justin Lussier, are  working on plans to share its history with the Putnam community as it enters its 125th year.
For more than a century, the men and women of the Putnam Police Department been there for the residents of Putnam. And now the department is asking for the community’s help.
As plans are being formulated to honor the Department’s 125 anniversary, Ferace and Lussier are asking that anyone with photos, articles or memorabilia of the Department get in touch with them.  
“As we begin to develop community plans that will include the publication of a commemorative issue of The Community Beat, posting of historical articles on the website, and other community-related activities, we’re asking anyone with photos, articles or memories of the early Department get in touch with us.  Our plan is to wake up memories and to provide some local history of our 125 years of existence,” said Lussier.
The Community Beat, the newsletter of the Putnam Police Department, was founded in 2007 and is published twice per year.  The plan is to publish an expanded edition this summer, featuring historical information about the Department.  The Community Beat is mailed to every home and business in Putnam.  It’s also available at locations throughout the community.  
The summer 2021 issue will be of historic value and will be a keepsake.
“We’re excited to share our history with the people of Putnam.  We’re hoping that individuals with old photos or other interesting artifacts will respond and share their items with us.  Our plan is to make copies and return the material to the owners,” said Ferace.
Anyone interested in sharing historic material with the Putnam Police Department can contact Chief Ferace or Captain Lussier at 860.928.6565 or the Department website,
