Art Gallery Expands
Theresa LaCasse cuts the ribbon on her larger space for The Windows Art Gallery, surrounded by family, friends. Helping with the welcome were Gary Osbrey, president of the Putnam Business Association, second from right, and Sheila Frost, PBA coordinator, third from right. Linda Lemmon photo.
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM — Adaptability and creativity can go hand in hand.
Case in point: The Windows Art Gallery weathered the COVID-19 year and instead of folding, adapted and expanded.
The gallery moved from the upper floors of the Montgomery Ward building to a larger space on the bottom floor of the building, facing Canal Street (formerly the home of the bike shop).
The town of Putnam and the Putnam Business Association helped gallery director/artist Theresa LaCasse celebrate her move with a grand re-opening ribbon cutting.
Delpha Very, director of the town’s Economic and Community Development, said “there’ve been a lot of do-overs lately” and LaCasse tweaked and enhanced her business model. She adapted. She reached out to other artists, set up summer camps (which are full) and that required “new digs.” Very said the new space gives LaCasse space for classes, display of all types of artwork for sale and much more. She sought out unique art, Very said. “Things like this say so much about Putnam.” The new space will allow her to grow, Very added. Very also passed along Mayor Barney Seney’s best wishes.
Gary Osbrey said “as president of the Putnam Business Association, I’d like to put the spotlight on arts in our community.” He added, “On behalf of the 170 and growing members of the Putnam Business Association, ‘Congratulations!’”
LaCasse showed off the extensive space for featuring artwork of all types, including the Art Guild Northeast.