Rotary President Kristen Willis pins Interact President Amayah Chavez while “there in spirit” outgoing Interact President Brayden Cutler looks on.
The new Putnam Rotary Interact Club President Amayah Chavez is excited about her coming year.
At the May 25 induction and awards ceremony Chavez said she’d like the Interact Club to continue its volunteer efforts at TEEG, Daily Bread, the Salvation Army Kettle Campaign and Relay For Life — AND she’d also like to work with the Lion’s Leo Club on community projects and see a presence on social media. Chavez, a junior at Putnam High School, received her Interact Pin and was handed her meeting gavel by Putnam Rotary President Kristen Willis.
Willis thanked past president Brayden Cutler for his hard work keeping the Interact Club alive during the pandemic.
Interact Advisor Roberta Rocchetti gave T-shirt awards to Abby and Emily St. Martin for the top Relay For Life Daffodil sales and Distinguished Service Citations to Kaylin and Talia Tremblay, Sierra Girard, Ryley Myers, Amayah and Laylah Chavez, plus Kevin Davis and Marcy Dawley for their volunteer work under extremely difficult conditions at the Food Truck Festival at Roseland Park.
Interact Advisor Marcy Dawley said: “The trio of Putnam Connecticut Rotary Club, Quinebaug Valley Regional Rotaract Club and Interact Club vowed to continue hand-in-hand working together along with other like-minded groups. We’re about lifting each other up.” Kevin Davis, Rotaract president, said he enjoyed working with the Interact Club this year and looks forward to working with Amayah and the club in 2021-2022.