When I was younger and had small children, I did not even consider leaving my house without a packed bag of sorts which could virtually accommodate almost anything that I might need; even if we only left the house for a short stroll around the neighborhood.
If there was a fall and a scraped knee, I had a Band-Aid. If there was a bad fall requiring emergency services, I had a phone. If there was an expressed “I’m thirsty” whine, I had a water bottle. If the whine turned into a “Do you have anything to eat?”, I had a snack. If there was an unexpected drippy nose, gooey bug squish or gum-and-shoe situation, I had a pack of tissues. Bottom line, wherever I went, I was prepared.
Today, even though I no longer have small children and can, with my phone, buy virtually anything I might need, I still do not leave the house without making sure that I am fully prepared for any situation. Over the past year and a half, these items have included facemasks, hand sanitizer, plastic gloves, spare facemasks, spare hand sanitizer and spare plastic gloves. However, I am now wondering if it is appropriate to consider that it might be time to remove some of the clutter in my purse and, dare I say, venture out – and inside somewhere- without a facemask?
I am fully vaccinated. My family members are also all fully vaccinated and most people in our area are fully vaccinated. Our governor has indicated that if I am fully vaccinated, I am no longer required to wear a facemask when I go out, unless the business establishment says that I must. Honestly speaking, I think it is going to take me a minute before I feel comfortable NOT wearing my mask when I go out because I wonder if it will be safe? I’m so used to wearing a facemask, it now feels strange to NOT wear one. I do not like wearing a facemask at the gym as it is harder to breathe when I am working out, but I also do not NOT like wearing one because I wonder if everyone who is mask-less around me, is fully vaccinated. I do not like wearing a facemask when I get up from my seat in a busy restaurant to use the restroom because it is somewhat annoying to search for my facemask and put it on simply so I can walk 20 or 30 feet, but I also do not NOT like wearing one because I have to walk by a lot of mask-less people and wonder if they are feeling ill.
I now find myself stopping at the entrance to stores, restaurants and businesses so that I can scan all of their posted signs to see if they still require a facemask. If a business still requires that I wear a facemask, I will gladly comply so that I do NOT have to wonder about anyone else. As a result, I am still carrying around several in my purse (and car), both the disposable ones and some cute, colorful ones. And if I happen to be with someone who doesn’t have a facemask, no worries because I have extra…
Prepared! Prepared!
Kathy Naumann, possessor of NATURALLY curly hair and the understanding that you can’t control everything!