Loos donates $500
to Daily Bread
POMFRET — Loos & Company recently donated $500 to Daily Bread Food Pantry, the food pantry organized through the Interfaith Human Services of Putnam.
Donations were also given to the Pomfret Community/Senior Center, and the Danielson Veterans Coffeehouse and St. Vincent de Paul in Norwich.
IHSP board President Karen Osbrey said, “Donations like these mean a lot to us because of our resources, we have great spending power. A $500 donation can buy us about $1,500 in food.”
When a Loos & Co. employee receives a coronavirus vaccination, a $50 contribution is made to the general donation fund. Employees recommended local charities they wanted to support.
Osbrey said the food pantry serves 300 families in the Pomfret, Putnam, Woodstock and Eastford area.