The following charges were listed in the Putnam Police Department logs. The people charged are innocent until proven guilty in court. The Town Crier will publish dispositions of cases at the request of the accused. The dispositions must be accompanied by the proper documentation. The Putnam Police Department confidential Tip Line is 860-963-0000.
June 15
Wilfredo Rivera Jr., 33, Marshall Street, Putnam; second-degree breach of peace, interfering with police.
June 18
Honesty Lynch, 23, Worcester Street, Southbridge; OUI, failure to drive right, possession of controlled substance.
Adam Hazzard, 54, Kingsbury Street, Worcester; evading responsibility, operating without a license.
June 19
Josh Choiniere, 39, Putnam Pike, Dayville; disorderly conduct.
James Clark, 40, Harrison Street, Putnam; criminal violation of protective order.