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DAYVILLE —Thirty-two “Westview Warriors,” Westview Health Care Center staff department members, chose to commemorate the lives lost, the love gained and the hope for new growth following the COVID-19 pandemic by planning a new magnolia tree on the grounds.
Westview Administrator David T. Panteleakos sensed the emotionally healing potential this concept possessed as soon as he heard the idea from second-shift Charge Nurse Gloria Albert.  He told the staff: “Our amazing inter-departmental team has displayed an unending desire to continue their work at the height of their ability—regardless of how difficult the days and nights became. The dedication, loyalty, and adaptability displayed by our team has been nothing short of remarkable and when Gloria mentioned this idea to me, we both agreed that it was the perfect way to have a lasting symbol; serving as a reflection point for the departed, commemorating the way our staff have met countless challenges, and offering optimism for more beautiful developments in the seasons to come.”
Albert, who has worked at Westview since 2013, said the new magnolia tree was as a way to look backwards and forward in light of recent times.  “As we were having our picture taken, my mind traveled to those we lost—those who are so dear and near to all of our hearts. I’m glad 2020 is done, and I’m looking forward to this year’s team blossoming with an improved outlook for the healthcare landscape.”
This commemorative tree can be seen on the corner of Thompson Turnpike and Ware Road, right next to Westview’s “Caring for Generations” sculpture depicting a family holding hands.  Additional developments are also planned for this point of the Westview Commons four corners.  Specifically, a stone marker will be placed next to the tree, featuring a stylized Westview logo and an Alfred Tennyson quote:  “Shape your heart to front the hour.  Dream not that the hours will last.”  This quote selected as an acknowledgement of the Westview staff’s determination in dark times presented and optimism for brighter days ahead.  A life-altering event such as this pandemic cannot be forgotten, and this landmark at Westview stands at the juncture of its somber memories and hope-filled future.
