Even after the Zombie Zumba workout, participants were all smiles. Linda Lemmon photo.
Always looking for fitness ideas, Northeast Opportunities for Wellness (NOW), Hale YMCA Youth & Family Center, and Discover Putnam partnered together to host the first ever Zombie Zumba event Oct. 3 at Rotary Park.
Hale YMCA Zumba instructors Martha Goldstein and Jaimee Taborda lead a Zombie Zumba dance party. All participants gathered at the Zombie Fashion Show stage on the bandstand to show their deadly dance moves. The event was open to all ages and walks of life ~dead or alive~ Zombie attire was encouraged but not required.
Tayler Shea, NOW Executive Director said: “The idea was formed as the NOW and Hale YMCA 2-Month Kids Marathon came to an end. The two organizations hosted a variety of themed ‘fun runs’ for children in the community to run 26.2 miles over the course of 2 months. The marathon was coming to an end, but the ideas were not. The two organizations wanted to continue brining free and fun fitness initiatives to the community, which is how Zombie Zumba came into being.”
She added, “We were so excited to partner with Hale YMCA and Discover Putnam on such a fun fitness initiative. It can be so easy to forget that there are fun ways to stay active, as we head into the winter months. NOW is grateful to be given to opportunity to make fitness fun within the community”