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The following charges were listed in the Putnam Police Department logs.  The people charged are innocent until proven guilty in court. The Town Crier will publish dispositions of cases at the request of the accused. The dispositions must be accompanied by the proper documentation. The Putnam Police Department confidential Tip Line is 860-963-0000.
Sept. 27
Cornell Wilkerson, 61, Marshall Street, Putnam; misuse of plates, no insurance, operating without a license.
Sept. 28
Michael Presnell, 59, Woodstock Avenue, Putnam; evasion of responsibility in operation of motor vehicles.
Sept. 30
Dustin Lowell, 34, School Street, Putnam; operating under suspension, failure to insure/register private motor vehicle, operating unregistered motor vehicle, misuse of registration marker plate, failure to drive right.
Donald Jorgensen, 35, Crooked Trail, Woodstock; failure to display front, operating with suspended registration.
Oct. 13
Andrew T. Bowen, 25, Mechanics Street, Putnam; operating under a suspended license and using a cell phone while driving.
Oct. 14
Amanda Ross, 28, Whittier road, Pawtucket, R.I.; risk of injury, third-degree assault, breach of peace.
Jennifer M. Tilley, 19, Front Street, Putnam; evading responsibility, improper-failure to keep right on curve.
Oct. 16
Greg Raymond, 36, Woodstock Avenue, Putnam; failure to have proper headlights, failure to have marker light, operating unregistered motor vehicle, failure to insure/register motor vehicle, misuse of marker plate.
Austin Vegiard, 22, Ledge Road, Dayville; creating public disturbance, failure to carry insurance card.
Kyle Heath, 22, Church Street, Sterling; disobeying officer signal, operating motorcycle without a license, operating unregistered motor vehicle, improper marker light, violation of posted STS regulation.
Oct. 17
Tyrone Harper, 36, Hartford Pike, Dayville; operating with suspended license, operating a motor vehicle with suspended registration.
Jonathon Yater, 41, Putnam Pike, Dayville; operating under the influence.
Oct. 18
Everton R. Nunes, 36, Park Street, Chicopee, Mass.; operating with no license.
