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Cold weather season is the best time to test your home for radon.
The Northeast District Department of Health still has a limited supply of radon test kits (about 20) to distribute to district residents. Recipients will receive one free radon test kit per home with instructions for use and a radon fact sheet.
Participants will receive a follow-up call from NDDH within two weeks to assure that the kit was put to use and returned to the manufacturer according to instructions for analysis. NDDH is unable to reserve kits or mail them. Stop in to pick up a free radon test kit, while supplies last, at NDDH, 69 South Main St, Brooklyn.
Exposure to radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas, is the leading cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers in the U.S.  You can’t see it or smell it, but an elevated radon level in your home may be affecting the health of your family.
