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Busy Interact
The Putnam Rotary Club Interact Club got busy recently putting together toiletry kits for the homeless with all the donated items they collected at the Rotary Day of Service. Club advisor Roberta Rocchetti thanked Karen and Gary Osbrey for providing the workspace for club members. The toiletry kits will go to TEEG, Daily Bread and the local shelters to assist the homeless. Amayah Chavez, Emily St. Martin and Mikayla Walford put together the kits in record time.  The next Interact meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. May 10 at the Putnam Public Library. Club members will be matching and bagging their tie-dyed socks to sell at the club’s Relay For Life table June 4 at Roseland Park. For more information about the Interact Club call Rocchetti at 860-933-8603.
