Category: Current Issue
This is just a small number of the pajamas collected during Citizens National Bank's annual pj collection campaign. Linda Lemmon photo.
PJ collection
a success
PUTNAM --- In its fifth year the Citizens National Bank's campaign to gather new pajamas for local families in need once again hauled in hundreds of pajamas for kids.
The bank collects pajamas from Nov. 24 through Dec. 13. They also gather monetary donations and used the money to buy even more pajamas.
This year the bank collected 540 new pajamas. 
Citizens National started doing the campaign in 2009, skipping 2010 to collect sweaters. The pj's collections continued in 2011, 2012, 2013 and this year.
Donations were dispersed to: Thompson - Mary R. Fisher, Putnam Elementary, Killingly Central, Killingly Memorial, Brooklyn Elementary, Woodstock Elementary.
Those who made donations received a ticket for a chance to win a $200 home heating voucher. The winners are: Blenda Salvas of Putnam, Bob Lebeau of Thompson, R. DonFrancisco of Brooklyn, Deb Torres of Thompson and Marge LaFontaine of Thompson.
Citizens National Bank thanked Gordie Mauer of Windham Container Corporation for donating the boxes for the Pajama Time clothing drive year after year.