Category: Current Issue
WOODSTOCK — Family Related Effective Solutions for Humanity (FRESH), Woodstock Academy’s student-run nonprofit, recently donated several thousand dollars to local organizations for summer camperships.
FRESH works toward poverty relief and awareness in the Quiet Corner area. Additionally, they run a mentoring program that operates in local middle schools. “Community service and an investment in our community is a key component of The Woodstock Academy mission,” Headmaster Chris Sandford said. “We are fortunate to have students who take this mission to heart and work to make a difference in their communities. Each year the students involved in FRESH exceed their fund-raising goal, which allows them to extend their reach to more organizations and help even more children participate in unique opportunities. They do incredible work and make our Academy community very proud.”
FRESH held several fund-raisers, including their Annual Spaghetti Dinner and 3 vs. 3 Basketball Tournament, to meet their goal of $10,000. The students’ hard work resulted in a total of $12,000 this year, all of which will be used to help youth from the surrounding communities attend summer camps. “I love FRESH’s philosophy and the work these students are doing,” Sarah Heminway, director of Connecticut Audubon’s Center at Pomfret, shared. “They’re able to see the difference they are making in their community. It is empowering and will lead to a lifelong practice of community service; we need more club’s like FRESH! The funds the Connecticut Audubon received  will get kids away from computer screens and out in the woods.”
FRESH donated camperships ranging from $2,000 to $3,500 to TEEG, Camp Nahaco, the Connecticut Audubon, and Brooklyn Parks and Recreation. “In a year of several budget cuts, we are extremely grateful to be able to give many kids the opportunity to enjoy a summer outside,” said Jenn Strong, Food System supervisor for TEEG. “We wouldn’t be able to give as much as we will this year without this donation.”