Category: Current Issue

'Tis the Season
POMFRET — For more than 20 years the blue spruce tree on the Pomfret Town Green has been lit each holiday season to the delight of residents of the Quiet Corner. Joanne Johnson and her daughter Amy Vertefeuille are responsible for the beautiful lighting that goes up shortly after Thanksgiving. Located across from the Vanilla Bean Cafe the tree is Pomfret’s tribute to the season. The tree grows about 2 feet a year and it takes more than 30 hours to trim and nearly as long, when the season is over, to take it all down and store everything for next year.  
The tree is traditionally lit with white lights until the carol sing at which time the colored lights are switched on for the remainder of the season. All are invited to join the program of carol singing and song books will be provided - please bring a flashlight. Following the tree lighting, cookies and hot cocoa will be provided at the Vanilla Bean Cafe. Come to the Town green at 5 p.m. Dec. 9 and be a part of this wonderful holiday tradition!