Category: Current Issue

declines aid
to help other
WOODSTOCK — The Woodstock Academy is eligible to receive Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund Grants as a part of the Education Stabilization Fund under the CARES Act.
The Woodstock Academy has, however, chosen to decline the full amount of $77,594 that would have been allocated through the Town of Woodstock, therefore allowing Woodstock Public Schools complete access to the full ESSER Fund Grant.
Christopher Sandford, The Woodstock Academy’s head of school, said: “This is just one way we can support one of our community partners at Woodstock Public Schools as they navigate many of the same obstacles we have faced with educating our students in challenging times.”
Viktor Toth, superintendent of Woodstock Public Schools, said, “This will have a tremendous impact in preparation for the year ahead. Specifically as we purchase 900 new iPads.”
Toth added, “We value the partnership between Woodstock Public Schools and The Woodstock Academy and this is a prime example of we can work towards the best interest of the students.”
