The building under the kiosk structure in Miller Park received some paint and will be painted white in the spring. In addition to the sign for the park, the area below the park proper was fenced in with a privacy screen. Linda Lemmon photo.
Town crews installed fence posts, followed by a privacy screen, according to Parks and Rec Director Willie Bousquet. It will help beautify the area to the side and below the park space. The side wall of the “under” building has been primed and the door replaced and it will be painted in the spring — white so it matches the rest of the “kiosk” structure above it, in the park proper.
A sign promoting the park was also installed last week. It is box shaped so that it hides the electrical pole there.
Bousquet said the town is “making progress” on the plaques and maps that were on the kiosks walls. Those were all removed and a “good deeds” crew of Centreville Bank managers sanded and repainted the walls last year.
Bousquet said a River Trail map will return to its home there. When the trail is completed, pushing through to Thompson, the map will be redone/replaced. In addition, new plaques explaining the park and a replica of Robert “Bob” Miller’s Putnam High School Wall of Honor plaque will go up on the kiosk walls.
Bousquet said the Miller family has helped with the restoration project.