Town of Putnam
Planning Commission
Legal Notice
The Town of Putnam Planning Commission held a hybrid meeting on July 24, 2023, at 6:00 P.M. at the Municipal Complex in Community Room 201 located on the second floor. The following action was taken:
The Town of Putnam Planning Commission amendment to the Town of Putnam Subdivision Regulations. The Commission’s amendment would contain a new section entitled Article III Section 319 Floodplains from the Department of Energy & Environmental Protection necessary for the Flood Insurance Program for the Town of Putnam. APPROVED
Application # 2023-03 Marc Gissleson request for a re-subdivision of 102 David Circle for the removal of the open space resignation/status. Property noted by location Town Assessors Map 3, Lot 90, Zoned R-10. APPROVED
Edward Briere, Chairman
Aug. 3, 2023